Because I can’t stop thinking that there is more than this to life… There is more than what the eye can see… there is something hiding beneath this shield…this mask…
joi, 27 noiembrie 2008
Opheliac este una din piesele mele preferate ale artistei Emilie Autumn. Este si o piesa care ma reprezinta ( cred eu )
I'm your Opheliac
I've been so disillusioned
I know you'd take me back
But still I feign confusion
I couldn't be your friend
My world was to unstable
You might have seen the end
But you were never able
To keep me breathing
As the water rises up again
Before I slip away
You know the games I play and the words I say when I want my own way
You know the lies I tell when you've gone through hell and I say I can't stay
You know how hard it can be to keep believing in me
When everything and everyone becomes my enemy
And when there's nothing more you can do I'm gona blame it on you
It's not the way I wana be
I only know that in the end you will see it's the Opheliac in me
It's the Opheliac in me...
Im your Opheliac
My stalkings prove my virtue
I'm open to attack
But I don't want to hurt you (hurt you)
Whether I swim or sink
That's no concern of yours now
How could you possibly think
You had the power to know how to keep me breathing as the water rises up again
Before I slip away
You know the games I play and the words I say when I want my own way
You know the lies I tell when you've gone through hell and I say I can't stay
You know how hard it can be to keep believing in me
When everything and everyone becomes my enemy
And when there's nothing more you can do I'm gona blame it on you
It's not the way I wana be
I only hope that in the end you will see it's the Opheliac in me...
It's the Opheliac in me
Studies show intelligent girls are more depressed
Because they know
That the world can lie
I don't think for a bit they sit around and think every things gona be alright
They know who: sides, shadows; shapes, a devil, an angel; no in-between
She speaks in third person so that she can forget that she's me
Doubt thou the stars on fire
Doubt thou the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt
Doubt thou the stars on fire
Doubt thou the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt
Doubt thou the stars on fire
Doubt thou the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt
I love
You know the games I play and the words I say when I want my own way
You know the lies I tell when you've gone through hell and I say I cant stay
You know how hard it can be to keep believing in me
When everything and everyone becomes my enemy
And when there's nothing more you can do I'm gona blame it on you
It's not the way I wana be
I only hope that in the end you will see
But never doubt
You know the games I play and the words I say when I want my own way
You know the lies I tell when you've gone through hell and I say I can't stay
You know how hard it can be to keep believing in me
When everything and everyone becomes my enemy
And when there's nothing more you can do I'm gona blame it on you
It's not the way I wana be
I only hope that in the end you will see
joi, 20 noiembrie 2008
Povestea fara de sfarsit a unui suflet...
Atata frustrare... Vise naruite ... totul e negru in jur si parca nu mai are nimeni scapare... E deprimant , melancolic si extrem de nevrotic. Ma face sa o iau la goana dar mi-e prea lene ... mi-e prea lene sa traiesc asa cum o faceam inainte... Tot ce fac e sa stau sa citesc, sa ma holbez pe pereti gandindu-ma la viata mea si sa nu ajung la nici o concluzie , sa fumez in exces si sa beau cafea.
Odata cineva m-a intrebat daca am fost vreodata fericita... Ei bine ... Da am fost ft fericita o mare parte din viata mea... dar brusc totul s-a intors cu fundul in sus si nu mai am ce sa mai fac... ma plictisesc de moarte in fiecare zi ... ascult nerozeniile tuturor din jurul meu si ma intreb cum de am ajuns sa traiesc intr-o lume plina de oameni cu creiere de gaina ... si ma gandesc la ce as putea sa fac ca sa ies din aceasta stare... si ghici ce imi vine in minte... NIMIC! Nu am ce sa fac ... e o stare ce nu vrea nici de al dracu sa isi faca bagajele si sa se care undeva departe... Traiesc intr-un stres continuu si nu vad scapare...
Cineva incearca sa o ia pe EA de langa mine...
NU pot sa am o viata persoanala fiindca exista mereu cineva care se baga in ea si da cu ciocu peste tot in sat despre lucruri care nici nu se intampla si toata lumea imi monitorizeaza toate miscarile de parca as fi vreo vedeta... Sunt unii carora o astfel de atentie le-ar placea la nebunie ... Dar nu mie ... NU NU ... Fetei ciudate si antisociale nu ii place atentia [ CREDETI CA ATI PUTEA INTELEGE ACEST CONCEPT ?]
Nu, nu urasc pe nimeni... Oricat de ciudat ar parea . Doar ca nu mai suport sa traiesc in asemenea conditii. Nu, nu o sa ma sinucid [ deoarece cred cu tarie ca nu este o optiune si nici o rezolvare pt problemele mele sau ale oricui altcuiva] iar asta nu e o scrisoare a cuiva pe patul de moarte.
Nesiguranta te duce la neincredere in tine si mai ales in cei din jurul tau. Analizeaza mai bine ce vrei sa faci si o sa vezi ca nu ai ajuns inca intr-o fundatura si daca te schimbi un pic si iti faci ordine in viata o sa incepi sa crezi iar in tine si in ceea ce poti TU face.
Blessed be...
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